Saturday, November 6, 2010

...and pause button changes to GO

Back after three weeks of crazy work and travel. I'm just going to start where I left off, week 2/day 2. Thank you, Mariah, for noticing that I was gone. I love you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 23 of 91 - Back in the saddle

Oops. That surgical procedure was emotionally vexing enough to keep me from running or eating properly for a WEEK. As of today, I am back on track. Tomorrow is Week 2/Day 3 of the running plan.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 16 of 91 - Hmmm

I did the Week 2/Day 2 workout on Wednesday, the 13th and haven't done anything since (physically)...I hit a headwind of work on Thurs/Fri, and just did massive reorganizing of office and kitchen yesterday, so I will do Week 2/Day 3 today. I have a colonoscopy coming up on this coming Thursday and it's scaring me to think about going to do this; what it takes to get ready for the procedure, and what they might find (my Dad's side of the family has lots of colon cancer). This has led to lots of comfort behavior and nesting. I haven't gained any weight back but I haven't lost any, either. I'm still tracking what I eat, every day. Practice kindness and non-beating-up-ness!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 11 of 91 - Slid off the path

Path of motivation, that is! That Sunday hike made my knees really sore all day yesterday. I couldn't straighten them out! I should have done my run anyway, it probably would have loosened them up. I will get back on track today, probably in the gym treadmill because it's cold and rainy outdoors. For the BDS people, I am creating No Choice, Get Back on Track and It's Not Okay response cards in my iPhone NoteMaster. Sigh.

I've lost 8 lbs since I started this 11 days ago.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 10 of 91 - hiked yesterday instead of ran

Gary and I went up to Estes Park with the dogs to see the leaves. Lily Mountain Trail allows dogs on leashes and is rated "easy" so I'm allowed on that trail as well.

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The leaves were just at their peak. When we got there, it was cold (52) and rainy, but by the first mile, the sun came out and it was just perfect. Lots of rock steps and hopping up and down, and I was with Josie, a black lab mix, who is a chugging little engine of muscle AND an alpha dog, so she pulled me up the side of the mountain. We hiked for almost two hours at 8500 feet elevation.

I figured this was a reasonable substitution for my Week 2, Day 2 running interval, so I'll pick up again today and do it then.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 8 of 91 - Resting day SORE!

Interesting. Either running for a minute at a time, or running on a treadmill, made me quite a bit more sore in the ankles and calves. Running on the treadmill felt better but was definitely more "poundy." Wonder if that's why...but it's still not horrible, it's mild.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 7 of 91 - New week on the plan

The next three workouts (every other day) are to run for 1 minute, walk for 4.

I was very proud of myself today. Once in awhile I have a burst of work and it keeps me up quite late. I worked until 1:30AM last night, and couldn't fall asleep until 4:00AM. I slept about 4 hours and drug around all day. Normally, I would have let this throw me off my plan and intentions, but this time, I still planned what I was going to eat, ate just that, and even though I didn't feel like it, I went to our gym at 8:30PM and did the next stage of the C210K plan on the treadmill.

I felt great running, it really is different running this way. It's like my knees aren't even part of the equation.