Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 16 of 91 - Hmmm

I did the Week 2/Day 2 workout on Wednesday, the 13th and haven't done anything since (physically)...I hit a headwind of work on Thurs/Fri, and just did massive reorganizing of office and kitchen yesterday, so I will do Week 2/Day 3 today. I have a colonoscopy coming up on this coming Thursday and it's scaring me to think about going to do this; what it takes to get ready for the procedure, and what they might find (my Dad's side of the family has lots of colon cancer). This has led to lots of comfort behavior and nesting. I haven't gained any weight back but I haven't lost any, either. I'm still tracking what I eat, every day. Practice kindness and non-beating-up-ness!

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