Saturday, October 2, 2010

Can a couch potato really run barefoot in a 10K in two months?

I'm an overweight 51-year old couch potato who has never successfully run for any length of time. I've done martial arts, I've boxed, but I never considered myself a runner. But three things happened to convince me to change:

  1. One month ago, I got a cholesterol reading of 268. The doctor wanted to put me on drugs to bring it down and I asked him if I could take three months to try to bring it down with diet and exercise.
  2. Two weeks ago, I discovered the Beck Diet Solution, which is a cognitive behavioral therapy way to change my mindset about how I of the steps is to choose a sensible eating plan. I chose Weight Watchers.
  3. Last week, I met a 53 year old man who has been running for years. He was telling our group about reading "Born To Run" by Christopher McDougal. He had just switched to barefoot running because he had such bad knee pain. He said he immediately felt relief and really enjoyed running in a new way (but his calves hurt). He showed us his Vibram Five-Finger shoes. 
I was intrigued. Could I, someone who has never been able to run, actually train for a Couch to 10K in two months, using barefoot running techniques? I'll find out. I'll tell you all about my journey, to keep me accountable.

My Statistics:
  • 51 years old
  • 5'10" and 205 lbs
  • ACL knee reconstruction on my right knee in 1993
  • New Vibram Five-Finger Treksports in Champagne/Red
The Backup Resources:
Born To Run 
Vibram Five-Finger Treksport Shoes
Couch to 5K Running Plan

Today's Run:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.


  1. Hi Lauren! I can't believe you are doing this! Good on you! I am also on a new thing - I am changing my family's entire diet. Its a big story and going to be an even bigger challenge - but in it I am so saddened by the ever deteriorating status of healthy food sources in the US. Those shoes are crazy looking! How do they feel?

  2. oops I spelled your name wrong - I am a bafoon! so sorry - feel free to call me corine!

  3. Hi Corine! worries. The shoes are super comfortable. Not a single blister yet. They would be nice to wear around the house or to the store, if you could stand how they look ;-)

  4. Hey Lorin! :)
    I am so glad you are doing this! You inspire me! Ha, those shoes are so funky! My aunt has some, and she say's she loves them!

  5. Thanks Lexie, thanks for stopping by!
