Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 2 - Checking in

Well, I woke up to some slight stiffness in my right foot (the leg my ACL reconstruction took place) but it soon eased as I walked around. The training plan is to run 3X a week, so on the alternate days I will do an hour of power yoga (heated).

I'm on a plan to eat about 1200 calories a day (24 points) with a bonus of 1750 calories to spread out over 7 days as needed. The Beck plan requires me to plan each day's exercise and food the night before, a method that is actually working for me. It allows me to just do that and not dither about running out to a restaurant because I don't feel like cooking.

My weigh-in is on Wednesdays, but I can tell I've already lost 3 pounds this week so far.

Off to see The Social Network, ciao!

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