Saturday, November 6, 2010

...and pause button changes to GO

Back after three weeks of crazy work and travel. I'm just going to start where I left off, week 2/day 2. Thank you, Mariah, for noticing that I was gone. I love you.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 23 of 91 - Back in the saddle

Oops. That surgical procedure was emotionally vexing enough to keep me from running or eating properly for a WEEK. As of today, I am back on track. Tomorrow is Week 2/Day 3 of the running plan.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 16 of 91 - Hmmm

I did the Week 2/Day 2 workout on Wednesday, the 13th and haven't done anything since (physically)...I hit a headwind of work on Thurs/Fri, and just did massive reorganizing of office and kitchen yesterday, so I will do Week 2/Day 3 today. I have a colonoscopy coming up on this coming Thursday and it's scaring me to think about going to do this; what it takes to get ready for the procedure, and what they might find (my Dad's side of the family has lots of colon cancer). This has led to lots of comfort behavior and nesting. I haven't gained any weight back but I haven't lost any, either. I'm still tracking what I eat, every day. Practice kindness and non-beating-up-ness!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 11 of 91 - Slid off the path

Path of motivation, that is! That Sunday hike made my knees really sore all day yesterday. I couldn't straighten them out! I should have done my run anyway, it probably would have loosened them up. I will get back on track today, probably in the gym treadmill because it's cold and rainy outdoors. For the BDS people, I am creating No Choice, Get Back on Track and It's Not Okay response cards in my iPhone NoteMaster. Sigh.

I've lost 8 lbs since I started this 11 days ago.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 10 of 91 - hiked yesterday instead of ran

Gary and I went up to Estes Park with the dogs to see the leaves. Lily Mountain Trail allows dogs on leashes and is rated "easy" so I'm allowed on that trail as well.

View Larger Map

The leaves were just at their peak. When we got there, it was cold (52) and rainy, but by the first mile, the sun came out and it was just perfect. Lots of rock steps and hopping up and down, and I was with Josie, a black lab mix, who is a chugging little engine of muscle AND an alpha dog, so she pulled me up the side of the mountain. We hiked for almost two hours at 8500 feet elevation.

I figured this was a reasonable substitution for my Week 2, Day 2 running interval, so I'll pick up again today and do it then.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 8 of 91 - Resting day SORE!

Interesting. Either running for a minute at a time, or running on a treadmill, made me quite a bit more sore in the ankles and calves. Running on the treadmill felt better but was definitely more "poundy." Wonder if that's why...but it's still not horrible, it's mild.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 7 of 91 - New week on the plan

The next three workouts (every other day) are to run for 1 minute, walk for 4.

I was very proud of myself today. Once in awhile I have a burst of work and it keeps me up quite late. I worked until 1:30AM last night, and couldn't fall asleep until 4:00AM. I slept about 4 hours and drug around all day. Normally, I would have let this throw me off my plan and intentions, but this time, I still planned what I was going to eat, ate just that, and even though I didn't feel like it, I went to our gym at 8:30PM and did the next stage of the C210K plan on the treadmill.

I felt great running, it really is different running this way. It's like my knees aren't even part of the equation.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 6 of 91 - enjoying weight loss

Today's a resting day. I weighed in again this morning because I couldn't believe I'd lost 5 lbs...and I lost another lb! For me the magic number is to lose 2 more lbs, then I'm in brand new territory...I'll really feel like I'm on my way when I get below 197. I feel fantastic and motivated.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 5 of 91 - after the run

Did it! Oh yeah! Who's da man? Now we are incrementally increasing the running time to 1:00 run/4:00 walk for the next three. Week 1 was a cinch for this couch potato.

Day 5 of 91 - last workout of first week!

This means that next week I have to run more...I'm excited and curious to see how that goes. This week was almost too easy. I am posting a bit early because I just did a weigh-in at WW and I lost 5 lbs this week! Whahoo! I was a very good girl. I have to say the reason I lost so much was because I wrote down what I was going to eat before the day even got going, and only ate that. It took the guesswork out of it and the ability to cheat. Plus, I exercised every day. More later after I run at noon.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 4 of 91 - resting day

I feel great! No soreness whatsoever. Today is power yoga and work like a fiend ;-)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 3 of 91 - Second day of training plan

I was so thrilled that my knees didn't hurt after Day 1, I actually jumped out of bed at 6:30 and went to the lake path. This time, I stretched more before and after, which really helps. It was almost too easy to do, walk 4:30 min/run :30 times 8 intervals. I wonder what the next stage will bring?

I noticed that after sitting at my computer for an hour, then standing up, my knees are pretty stiff. I better stretch more. At least there's no pain.

Oh! I also figured out how to allow anyone to comment without registering. Please share any comments you have with me and sorry it was restricted earlier.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 2 - Checking in

Well, I woke up to some slight stiffness in my right foot (the leg my ACL reconstruction took place) but it soon eased as I walked around. The training plan is to run 3X a week, so on the alternate days I will do an hour of power yoga (heated).

I'm on a plan to eat about 1200 calories a day (24 points) with a bonus of 1750 calories to spread out over 7 days as needed. The Beck plan requires me to plan each day's exercise and food the night before, a method that is actually working for me. It allows me to just do that and not dither about running out to a restaurant because I don't feel like cooking.

My weigh-in is on Wednesdays, but I can tell I've already lost 3 pounds this week so far.

Off to see The Social Network, ciao!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 1 - What it was like

Well, after the euphoria of creating this blog and outing myself, I fell into a well of procrastination. Would people mock my feet? Would it hurt? Would it feel just like my past attempts at running?

Before I finally made it over to the lake, I bought an iPhone app that is called Couch to 10K that is way basically breaks down a training plan into timed intervals you can listen to while you walk/run, AND it hooks into your playlists, so you hear music as well. Very well designed...took all the guesswork out of the intervals. You can read about the Couch to 10K app here.

But wait. Didn't I say I'd be training for a 5K? I raised the bar to 10K in 13 weeks...see how it goes.

So, how was it?

Well, it was extremely easy. It was 8 intervals of 4:30 walk and :30 run.

The sensation of running barefoot was delicious. It changed how I run completely! I mean, it's only the first day, but I ran smoothly, nearly silently. My feet felt confident. It was cool to actually feel the texture of gravel under my feet but not the pain of gravel. I may have imagined it, but people seemed to smile and make eye contact more than they usually did. They did not mock me...thankfully.

Look at the awesome lake I get to run around. It's called Waneka Lake in Lafayette, CO. One circuit around is 1.2, by my calculations, 5X around = 6 miles or nearly a 10K.

Today, I got around it twice. No pain, it was effortless.

Here's what it looks like:

Can a couch potato really run barefoot in a 10K in two months?

I'm an overweight 51-year old couch potato who has never successfully run for any length of time. I've done martial arts, I've boxed, but I never considered myself a runner. But three things happened to convince me to change:

  1. One month ago, I got a cholesterol reading of 268. The doctor wanted to put me on drugs to bring it down and I asked him if I could take three months to try to bring it down with diet and exercise.
  2. Two weeks ago, I discovered the Beck Diet Solution, which is a cognitive behavioral therapy way to change my mindset about how I of the steps is to choose a sensible eating plan. I chose Weight Watchers.
  3. Last week, I met a 53 year old man who has been running for years. He was telling our group about reading "Born To Run" by Christopher McDougal. He had just switched to barefoot running because he had such bad knee pain. He said he immediately felt relief and really enjoyed running in a new way (but his calves hurt). He showed us his Vibram Five-Finger shoes. 
I was intrigued. Could I, someone who has never been able to run, actually train for a Couch to 10K in two months, using barefoot running techniques? I'll find out. I'll tell you all about my journey, to keep me accountable.

My Statistics:
  • 51 years old
  • 5'10" and 205 lbs
  • ACL knee reconstruction on my right knee in 1993
  • New Vibram Five-Finger Treksports in Champagne/Red
The Backup Resources:
Born To Run 
Vibram Five-Finger Treksport Shoes
Couch to 5K Running Plan

Today's Run:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.